1、Lucas (卢卡斯): 卢 means honorable and generous; 卡 means clever and resourceful; 斯 means talented and accomplished。 This name implies a talented and confident person who is respected by others。
2、Emily (艾米莉): 艾 means pure and sincere; 米 means gentle and refined; 莉 means elegant and graceful。 This name implies a pure-hearted and graceful person who has a knack for aesthetics。
3、Ethan (伊桑): 伊 means refined and cultured; 桑 means strong and resilient。 This name implies a refined and resilient person who has strong inner strength。
4、Olivia (奥利维亚): 奥 means profound and mysterious; 利 means clever and resourceful; 维 means graceful and harmonious; 亚 means brilliant and virtuous。 This name implies a mysterious, intelligent, and elegant person who has a noble character。
5、Jackson (杰克逊): 杰 means outstanding and exceptional; 克 means decisive and resolute; 逊 means humble and polite。 This name implies an outstanding and decisive person who is also humble and polite。
6、Lily (莉莉): 莉 means elegant and graceful。 This name implies a person who possesses natural grace and elegance。
7、William (威廉): 威 means impressive and powerful; 廉 means honest and honorable。 This name implies an impressive and honest person who commands respect from others。
8、Chloe (克洛伊): 克 means decisive and resolute; 洛 means broad-minded and tolerant; 伊 means refined and cultured。 This name implies a decisive and open-minded person who is also refined and cultured。
9、Benjamin (本杰明): 本 means honest and sincere; 杰 means outstanding and exceptional; 明 means bright and intelligent。 This name implies an honest, outstanding, and intelligent person who is highly respected。
10、Ava (艾娃): 艾 means pure and sincere; 娃 means innocent and childlike。 This name implies a pure-hearted and innocent person who has a youthful charm。
11、Jacob (雅各布): 雅 means refined and cultured; 各 means unique and distinctive; 布 means honest and sincere。 This name implies a refined, unique, and sincere person who is highly regarded。
12、Mia (米娅): 米 means gentle and refined; 娅 means elegant and graceful。 This name implies a gentle, refined, and graceful person who has a soft demeanor。
13、Alexander (亚历山大): 亚 means brilliant and virtuous; 历 means experienced and knowledgeable; 山 means lofty and profound; 大 means impressive and powerful。 This name implies a brilliant, experienced, and knowledgeable person who has a great influence。
14、Grace (格蕾丝): 格 means generous and honest; 蕾 means budding and potential; 丝 means gentle and delicate。 This name implies a generous and honest person who has immense potential。
15、Daniel (丹尼尔): 丹 means passionate and energetic; 尼 means patient and persevering; 尔 means versatile and adaptable。 This name implies a passionate, patient, and versatile person who can overcome challenges。
16、Charlotte (夏洛特): 夏 means lively and enthusiastic; 洛 means broad-minded and tolerant; 特 means unique and exceptional。 This name implies a lively, broad-minded, and exceptional person who stands out from the crowd。
17、Henry (亨利): 亨 means prosperous and successful; 利 means clever and resourceful。 This name implies a prosperous and clever person who has great achievements。
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