1、Caleb – A Hebrew name, meaning faithful。 It is a popular name for boys, and conveys loyalty and steadfastness。
2、Charlotte – A French name, meaning free。 The name is often associated with the classic children‘s book character, Charlotte’s Web。
3、Ethan – A Hebrew name, meaning firm, strong。 It is a popular name for boys and symbolizes strength and reliability。
4、Grace – Derived from the Latin word Gracia meaning God‘s favor or blessing。 A name that connotes elegance, refinement, and charm。
5、Isabella – A Spanish variation of the name Elizabeth, meaning devoted to God。 Isabella is a popular name for girls and symbolizes altruism and spirituality。
6、James – A classic English name, meaning supplanter。 The name is often associated with royalty, such as King James I of England。
7、Landon – Derived from the Old English name, meaning long hill。 It is a popular name for boys and conveys a sense of stability and groundedness。
8、Leah – A Hebrew name, meaning weary。 Leah was the first wife of Jacob in the Old Testament and symbolizes perseverance and dedication。
9、Liam – A shortened version of the Irish name William, meaning resolute protector。 Liam is a popular name for boys and signifies courage and determination。
10、Lily – A flower name, symbolizing purity, innocence and simplicity。 Lily Potter is known as the mother of Harry Potter in the magical world, but also represents a mother’s self-sacrificing love。
11、Mason – A name derived from an Old English surname meaning stoneworker。 It is a popular name for boys and symbolizes strength and perseverance。
12、Mia – A Scandinavian name meaning mine。 The name is often associated with actresses, Mia Farrow and Mia Wasikowska, and symbolizes a sense of possession and individualism。
13、Oliver – Derived from the Latin word oliva, meaning olive tree。 It is a popular name for boys and symbolizes peace and fruitfulness。
14、Ruby – A gemstone name for girls, symbolizing passion, vitality and love。 It is often associated with the classic book character, Ruby in Little House on the Prairie。
15、Savannah – A name derived from the word savannah, meaning treeless plain。 It is a popular name for girls and symbolizes openness and freedom。
16、Sophia – A Greek name meaning wisdom。 It is a popular name for girls and symbolizes intelligence and insight。
17、Tristan – A name of Welsh origin meaning sorrowful or sad。 Tristan is a popular name for boys and symbolizes a sense of melancholy or yearning。
18、Victoria – A classic English name meaning victory。 It is often associated with the decisive and powerful Queen Victoria of England。
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